

Angular vs Vue: Which Framework to Choose in 2024?

In the battle of, Angular vs Vue, Vue is lightweight while Angular is heavyweight. Compare these technologies in terms of performance, scalability, etc.

Tejas Kaneriya

February 10, 2023

8 mins read

Last Updated May 10, 2023

Starting from jQuery, a Javascript library released in 2006 for building interactive web apps, Javascript frameworks have evolved very quickly over the past few years. And ever since, there has been a trend for developing organized frontend frameworks. This very evolution made it possible to meet the concept of Single-Page Applications (SPA) – web apps that dynamically rewrite the web pages without loading entire new pages.

As SPAs were already catching the attention, the evolution of front-end frameworks gifted a long-term stable web framework to the world – Angular (initial release-2016, a complete rewrite of Angularjs-2010.) A standalone frontend framework with most things built-in without sacrificing the size or speed.

In 2014, one of the former core team members of the Angular team at Google, Evan You, made a breakthrough by releasing Vue- a progressive frontend framework for building complex user interfaces used explicitly for creating views.

Today, in this blog we are going to talk about these two extremes. Both are frontend Javascript frameworks with enormous capabilities. I hope it helps when you select the Javascript framework.

The landscape of JavaScript frameworks has undergone rapid evolution since the release of jQuery in 2006, enabling the development of organized frontend frameworks. This evolution has culminated in the emergence of Single-Page Applications (SPAs), which dynamically rewrite web pages without reloading entire pages.

Angular, initially released in 2016 as a complete rewrite of AngularJS (2010), represents a stable and standalone frontend framework with comprehensive built-in features, size efficiency, and speed optimization.

In 2014, Evan You, a former core team member of Google's Angular team, introduced Vue.js—a progressive frontend framework designed for building intricate user interfaces with a focus on view creation.

This article explores the contrasting features of these two frontend JavaScript frameworks. Angular and Vue.js possess significant capabilities and cater to different development needs. Understanding their strengths and weaknesses is crucial in selecting the appropriate framework for your project.

Editor's Note: Hiren provides valuable insights into choosing the right framework and offers essential considerations for decision-making. If you're seeking a team of experienced developers to build web applications using Angular or Vue.js, Simform's web application development services could be an ideal choice.

Overview of Frameworks – Angular vs Vue

Angular is a JavaScript framework built on TypeScript that makes it easier to create scalable online applications. With built-in tools and libraries, it functions as a stand-alone frontend framework without sacrificing the size or speed of the application. With reusable code that works with any deployment platform, Angular facilitates cross-platform development. Two-way data binding and dynamic UI binding at the object and property levels are essential components of its architecture.

Angular is a 2016 version that is a total redesign of AngularJS, which made its debut in 2010. The Angular team at Google, led by Misko Hevery, is responsible for developing the framework. External developers also contribute to the framework's development.

Conversely, Vue is a small and adaptable

Market Usage Statistics – Angular vs. Vue

I appreciate you sharing the Angular and Vue statistics. The main ideas are outlined as follows:

**Angular Statistics:**
- More than 0.4% of all websites use Angular.
- In spite of its lower overall usage, websites with high traffic favor it.
- With a repository of 2.2 million users, Angular has 93.3k ratings, 25.1k forks, and roughly 1,817 collaborators on GitHub.
- The preferred framework for 22.96% of developers worldwide is Angular.

**Visual Statistics:**
- More than 1,559,243 prosperous websites use Vue globally.
- Version 2 of the framework is preferred by about 95.3% of websites that use it.
- Vue's overall market share is less than 0.9%.
- There are 34.7k forked projects and about 206k stars in the Vue community.

These figures demonstrate how widely used and well-liked Angular and Vue

Popular applications built with Angular and Vue

Popular Apps Built with Angular

Mixer – The live streaming platform for video games incorporated Angular to create the interface of its video streaming facilities. It also helped the team to update data of single-page applications in real-time. Gmail – The single-page mailing application uses Angular for its dynamic interface. The site renders data on the front-end, enables access to the cached data offline, and incorporates several SPA advantages.

PayPal – The online payment processing website incorporated Angular to carry out stunning website performance and easily handle spikes in user transactions. Its few-clicks authorization and the checkout page are some of the other features built with the help of Angular.

Forbes – The digital edition of the American magazine uses Angular 5 for its user interface, which has the capability to respond to 74 million monthly users in the US. – The Weather Channel incorporates Angular for its UI that is managed by separate teams for its separate directories. Angular allows the site to integrate multiple maps, real-time broadcasting, and video streaming for news updates.

Microsoft Office – The documentation software made a bold move with its migration on the online platform with its Office 365 API. The application’s single-page view with excellent UI has been possible through the use of Angular.

Popular apps built with Vue

Grammarly: Data binding and template engine syntax are used to generate the IDE functionalities required to develop an intuitive and comprehensible online editor with a straightforward style and contextual layout.

Laravel Spark: Client-side front-end application running smoothly. It provides total command over SaaS programs. It was made feasible by adding extra, specially designed Vue components to create large functionality for the Laravel Spark Primer client version.

Behance: Develop unique solutions that can maintain the application code consistently and standardize the program with every new visual feature that is added throughout the course of the year. Above all, Behance worked with Vue to conveniently make a roster transition between its developers.

Gitlab: Develop sophisticated tools to help the current community enhance their analytics, code management, reporting, and administration.

Performance comparison – Angular vs Vue

In what ways does Angular's performance distinguish itself?

Angular has established itself as a high-performance framework capable of enabling exceptional performance. Ivy renderer, a redesign of Angular's rendering engine, powers the framework. It promises to assemble components that also shorten the development time and make the apps very fast and small for unparalleled performance.
The amount of times the DOM modifies pre-compiled HTML and application components before the browser downloads and utilizes them is decreased by the sophisticated change detection mechanism and ahead-of-time compilation. Its increasing appeal as a Javascript framework for creating high-performing apps may be due to this.

How does Vue stand out in terms of performance?

The Vue application's state gets more erratic with each new feature that is added or component that is extended, which makes it more difficult for the app to load more quickly. Fortunately, this framework includes a virtual Document Object Model (DOM), which acts as the standard tool for application performance optimization. Vue's lazy loading is one of its standout characteristics. It facilitates faster load times. By automatically managing the essential dependencies and dividing the libraries into those that must be added to the main application bundle and those that may be left over in routes that diverge from the core bundle, Vue maintains third-party libraries asynchronously.

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